Thursday, 10 November 2011

Tis the Silly Season

So, the days here in the UK are getting shorter and shorter, and the temperature is also dropping. Here's hoping for a white christmas!

Now that Christmas is getting closer, I'm trying to get organised with crafts and DIY jobs. I've been following some threads on the Vogue Forum about Xmas crafts to give me some inspiration, as all as Pinterest as well, both of which have fantastic DIY ideas.

So far, I've only made a few things. My fav so far for sure is my little sock monkeys. I've never made one before so wasn't quite sure how it would turn out but I was quite surprised! I'm making a few for presents and personalising them with bows in their hair, as well as sewing little hearts onto them with as well. I've not quite finished this one, as he needs a little monkey smile as well, but nearly done. Behold!

Isn't he cuuuute! I think these will make really great gifts, and they aren't even that hard to do, just a little fiddly towards the end. I just love making things like this, it makes gifts that little bit more personal knowing that someone has physically worked to make it for you. Love!

Are you doing any crafts this christmas? Please comment and share your ideas with me so I can keep making little creations while I'm on a roll.


  1. If only we had a white xmas here in Australia it either streaming down with rain or boiling hot! :)
